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Why We Think We Are The Leading Body Parts Model Agency

Why We Think We Are The Leading Body Parts Model Agency

Blowing ones own trumpet can be a little vulgar, but at the same time being proud of what you do is a reason for celebration. With this in mind, we offer no apology for listing why we think we are the leading body parts model agency in the UK.

So, what makes us special?

With just shy of 40 years in the modelling industry, BMA Models (of which BMA Hands is a division) has gained an excellent reputation throughout, with casting directors, photographers and models all enjoying how we work.

We have built our agencies with a family ethos in mind, when we sign a model to our books, they join the BMA family – we look after our models and ensure they are happy with us, which makes for a better model!

The decades of experience has also allowed us to forge strong connections and relationships within the industry, which works for all parties. We know immediately which models are a good fit for a particular assignment, having worked with the photographer or creative director previously. The same applies for our models, we can identify the photographer that will bring out the best in our models.

With a former model on the board of directors, we know our family ethos works for everyone. Seamless bookings and successful assignments – it’s all part of the service.

BMA Hands

We decided to launch BMA Hands as a specific service for body parts modelling. A lot of our models on our books also or independently operate as a body parts model. With the growing need for specialist hands, legs and feet models – as well as eyes and mouth, for instance, The BMA Hands website serves a real purpose, showcasing our body parts models to photographers.

The website helps photographers select a specific body parts model that may have been not as highlighted on our main site. Our booking agents are also on hand with very clear ideas of a particular model’s own strengths.

With such a demand for the most professional body parts model, we feel our agency is so well placed to assist and identify – We are here to help. If you have a specific need for a body parts model, please get in touch with us today.