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UK Foot Models Share their Feet Care Tips!

UK Foot Models Share their Feet Care Tips!

Feet… For some of us, we like to keep them covered up! Dry, cracked soles, calluses and (worse!) fungal infections cause great anxiety and ‘foot shame’ – but it doesn’t have to be like this. We asked some of our top UK foot models to share their tips and secrets to great looking feet…

Get Measured

When did you last have a proper shoe fitting? A study has shown that as many as 1 in 5 people in the UK may be walking around in the wrong size shoes! When you next go shoe shopping, get properly measured, you may get a surprise. Wrong size shoes can lead to blisters and crushed toes, as well as potential neck and back pain.


Try to do this 2 to 3 times a week at a minimum. Our models all agree the best time is at night after a shower. Once moisturiser has been applied, wear cotton socks in bed, you’ll thank us for this…

Give Your Toenails Attention

If you can, make sure you have a regular monthly pedicure. If you prefer to do this yourself that is fine too, but keep it as regular. When trimming your nails, contour the nail to the toe shape – do not cut straight across as this will leave sharp edges which may damage the surrounding toes.

Don’t Forget Your Cuticles!

As well as regular toenail maintenance, care for your cuticles too. If they need a trim, you are better off seeing a podiatrist. For general maintenance, look out for specific cuticle creams. This one is a clear winner with our foot models.

Do You Need The Heels?

Most of our models avoid high heels and only wear for the most glitzy of occasions. High heels when worn constantly can cause bunions and nerve damage. If you are wearing heels, go for a strapped version to hold your foot in place better – and sit down as much as you can. You can still look gorgeous in heels when sat down!

Keep Infections At Bay

If you hit the gym or the pool regularly, you could be susceptible to fungal infections. Fungus thrives in warm moist conditions – such as your sweaty socks and trainers – so always wash your feet thoroughly (including between your toes) and dry. Before putting on fresh socks, apply some tea tree oil to help prevent fungal growth.

When DIY Is Not Enough

Although regular feet maintenance and care can be done perfectly adequately at home, there are times when seeing a professional is a good thing. If it hurts it’s probably not going to go away, get it checked out – whether that’s a callus or ingrown toenail.

How’s YOUR Feet?

Got perfect feet? Want to make a career out of it? Why not apply to be a professional UK foot model with us? BMA Hands is a division of the highly regarded and long-established modelling agency BMA Models. You can apply to join the BMA family here. What are you waiting for?!