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Could you be a male body parts model?

Could you be a male body parts model?

Male body parts modelling is now considered a constant and lucrative profession, for the right model. It would be impossible to get through a normal day without seeing a body parts model showcasing some form of product – they have become an integral part of the advertising machine.

Body parts modelling highlights isolated features such as hands, legs, feet, arms and even eyes and ears.

You might think that this might be an easy gig, but that’s definitely not the case. Successful body parts models will go to great lengths to ensure their parts are highly desirable. They will also be quite cautious in everyday environments – a cut or bruise has the potential to lose you that gig.

How do you become a male body parts model?

If you have ever been complimented on a specific part (behave yourselves…) then there’s a good chance that you could succeed in the male body parts modelling industry. You should focus on your best assets and ensure you care for them well.

Hands. You need to keep them protected from nicks and cuts at all costs. You should keep your nails in good shape and aim for half-moon cuticles. If required, have a regular manicure. Keep your hands moisturised and clean. Wear gloves when you can for added protection and to protect from the elements.

Arms. Maintain a sensible training regime. You don’t need to go full on Mr Universe here, but your arms should be well toned and sculpted. Body fat should be at a minimum. Again, moisturise well, especially the skin around your elbows.

Legs. Similar to arms, you need to keep maintaining an exercise routine to keep your legs in shape. You should also consider certain poses that may be required on a shoot and practice these at length. You may be required to hold a specific pose for minutes whilst a photographer catches the perfect shot. Practiced poses will ensure no cramping up, shaking or an inability to hold the pose for as long as is required.

Feet. If you are blessed with beautiful feet, work hard to keep them this way. Make sure you wear the correct size shoes and, especially before a shoot, avoid new shoes that may cause rubs or blisters. A pedicure should be part of your regular routine and feet should be clean at all times. After cleaning, make sure your feet are thoroughly dried. Rough skin should be worked on as regular as required.

If you feel you have what it takes to be a male body parts model, we would love to hear from you. You can apply to join the BMA family here.